A place for good music
with award-winning international talent
Brave Wave aims to break ground with our international roster of composers. Nowhere else will you find such an outstanding group of video game composers working under one label.
Here you’ll find the full list of our artists along with their notable works. We’re proud to call the following people part of Brave Wave.
Composers from JapanGimmick!, various Sunsoft titles
Panzer Dragoon Saga, Panzer Dragoon Orta, NiGHTS into Dreams, Crimson Dragon, Sonic Drift 2, AKANE
Fujita started her career at SNK in 1984 with Mad Crasher, but her following years at Capcom ended up defining her as a stellar composer. She was one of the few who worked on the NES, arcade, and the Game Boy simultaneously, contributing to games like Ghosts ‘n Goblins, Bionic Commando, Strider, 1943 Kai, Final Fight,
Shimomura’s name is one of the most recognized in video game history, and her compositions are some of the most beloved. Since graduating from Osaka College of Music in 1988 as a piano major, she has contributed her music to some of the most renowned video games, such as those within the Kingdom Hearts, Mario & Luigi, and Street Fighter II series.
Ninja Gaiden 3 (NES), Dynasty Warriors, Radia Senki, Captain Tsubasa 3
Ryuichi Nitta started his gaming career at Tecmo, where he co-composed the original Ninja Gaiden alongside Keiji Yamagishi (using Yamagishi’s sound driver), and then went on to compose the soundtracks to Ninja Gaiden 2 and Solomon’s Key 2.
Resident Evil, Mega Man Battle Network, Onimusha 3: Demon Siege, Breath of Fire III
Metal Gear Solid 4, MGS: Peace Walker, Bayonetta, Yakuza 2, Shinobi 3D, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Matsumae is best known for composing the legendary music for the original Mega Man (1987), including its iconic “Game Start” jingle. Following her departure from Capcom in 1991, she became a freelance video game music composer.
Ninja Gaiden (NES), Tecmo Bowl, Captain Tsubasa Vol. I, Captain Tsubasa Vol. II, Dynasty Warriors, Onimusha Tactics
Composers from the WestDonkey Kong Country, Star Fox Adventures, Yooka Laylee, Battletoads
Octahedron, Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom, Producer of Flutlicht, S.H.O.K.K, DJ Tatana, DJ Energy
Spelunky, Ridiculous Fishing, Hotline Miami, Super Crate Box, Subaku
Bassist of Grammy-winners Evanescence
Super Hexagon, Dicey Dungeons, Cadence of Hyrule, River City Girls, Spectra, Interstellaria
Smoke Thief is the alias of George Art Baker, a British composer with a Master of Arts in Music Performance. Formerly a professional jazz bandleader and composer, he was drawn to create a style incorporating ambient, jazz, and hip-hop.
Metroid Metal, Steven Universe, Runner3, Cards of Darkness, Chicory
Steve ‘ap0c’ Lakawicz is a classically trained musician with a Master’s degree in Music Performance, specializing in orchestral tuba. Lakawicz has toured with brass quintets and performed with the Curtis Symphony Orchestra, and lately has taken an interest into crafting and emulating authentic chiptunes.
FreelancersIn addition to our label musicians, we work with freelancers on a per-project basis. People like Grammy-winner Austin Wintory (of Journey), Ben Prunty (of FTL), Video Game Orchestra (of Final Fantasy XIII), Agent Whiskers (of Atomic+) and many more are able to lend us their expertise whenever needed.