Saori Kobayashi x Brave Wave: Announcing a New Solo Album


After performing in front of an exciting audience at Bit Summit MMXIV, Saori Kobayashi announced her first-ever solo album with us at Brave Wave! Fans of Kobayashi-san seem to be happy with her new work with us, Shattered Moon, and we're excited to be working with her on a full-length music album — dedicated entirely to showcase her immense talent at making gorgeous and lush soundscapes.

Shattered Moon (from our new album IN FLUX) was performed at Bit Summit MMXIV in Kyoto by Saori Kobayashi herself, and thanks to the kind folks at NicoNico we were able to upload a video of it to YouTube:

Saori Kobayashi x Brave Wave

Mohammed Taher

Director of Koopa Soundworks.